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Sorcerer icon

A Sorcerer is a spell-casting unit available to the Angmar faction in The Rise of the Witch-king.

He travels with a band of eight "Acolytes", and casts many spells. Every time he does so, one of the Acolytes is consumed, but they regenerate over time.

Sorcerers are summoned from the Temple of Twilight.

Temple of Twilight

Sorcerer bands around a Temple of Twilight

Unit spells[]

  • Black Ice - slows the enemy
  • Fell Strength - augments friendlies
  • Soul Freeze - freezes an enemy
  • Well of Souls - damages units, turning any it kills into wights
  • Corpse - causes a rain a downpour of exploding cadavers upon the selected area

Witch King of Angmar Forces of Angmar ThrallMaster