Skirmish setup menu
All Battle for Middle-earth games offer a skirmish mode, where the player plays against a custom amount of CPU armies, in real-time combat. As with War of the Ring, the player decides the amount of CPU's, and their faction(s), among other things.
A large variety of maps is chosen from for the place of battle.
The player chooses their faction, as well as color, custom hero, team, and handicap setting. The same is done for CPU players, who can be allied to the player or an enemy.
Faction difficulty[]
The player can select the difficulty of the CPU armies. Difficulty is based one the frequency of enemy's attacks, and is presented by rank on the loading screen. In BFME 1 there are three settings, and in BFME 2 and on there are four:
- Easy - Rank 1
- Medium - Rank 5
- Hard - Rank 7
- Brutal - Rank 9
The player can adjust the Command Point Factor (i.e. the limit to the increase of one's command point limit), whether Ring Heroes (Sauron and Galadriel) are able to be summoned, whether Custom Heroes may be used at all, and every army's initial resources, which may be between 250 and 4000.
- Argonath - RotWK only
- Celduin River
- Cair Andros
- Carn Dum
- Dunland
- East Bight (of Mirkwood) - RotWK only
- Erebor
- Ettenmoors
- Fangorn Forest
- Fords of Isen
- Forlindon
- Harlindon
- High Pass
- The Iron Hills
- Isengard
- Ithilien
- Lorien
- Paths of the Dead - RotWK only
- Redhorn Pass
- Rohan
- Tournament Snow - RotWK only
- Umbar
For up to 3 armies[]
- Withered Heath
- Amon Sul
- Amon Sul fortress - RotWK only
- The Black Gate - RotWK only
- Fornost
- Grey Havens
- Rivendell
- Minas Morgul
For up to 4 armies[]
- Angmar - RotWK only
- Arnor
- Barrow-downs
- Buckland
- Cardolan
- The Carrock - RotWK only
- Enedwaith
- Forodwaith
- Grey Mountains
- Harad
- Helm's Deep
- Minas Tirith
- Minhiriath
- Mount Doom
- Mount Gundabad - RotWK only
- North Downs
- Osgiliath
- Rhudaur - RotWK only
- Tournament Gundabad - RotWK only
- Tournament Rhudaur - RotWK only
- Tower Hills
- Udun - RotWK only
- Weathertop
For up to 5 armies[]
- Gondor - renamed to Belfalas in RotWK
For up to 6 armies[]
- Anfalas
- Dagorlad
- Dead Marshes
- Lostriand - RotWK only
- Mirkwood
- Old Brown lands
- Rhun
- Shire
For as many as 8[]
- Adorn River
- Evendim (Lake Evendim)
- Mordor
- Tournament Hills - RotWK only