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Isengard is a faction comprised of all who made up Saruman's armies and allies in the Third Age. It appears in both BFME 1 and BFME 2.

Battle for Middle Earth 1[]


It is a balanced evil faction with mediocre defense and strong offense.

Isengard relies heavily on it's infantry. The backbone of this force consists of the Uruk-hai Warriors who can be to great effect supported by and combined with the Crossbowmen and Pikemen. If extrodinary tasks are at hand, Uruk-Hai Berserkers and Warg Riders fill the gap left by the rest of the army.

Additionally, Isengard has the most options when choosing what siege weapon to use. It's Siege Works can produce battering rams, siege ladders, ballistas and powerful mines.

Isengard has two main advantages over other factions:[]

  1. Versitale Infrantry. It is fast, has many combination options, can be strongly boosted in strength by upgrades and is not as critically endangered by a single mean of dealing damage, unlike the cavlary. Isengard's footsoliders are going to adapt to almost any situation on the battlefield. Whether it be an attack or defense, in a heavy or easy terrain - they are going to manage.
  2. Siege weapons. Isengard has the most siege weapons in the game - this alone would make it a noticable advantage. However, the Ballista is not only excellent at attacking structures but also at eliminating key units - like heroes, ents, beasts and other siege engines. On top of that, even one Isengard mine is powerful enough to destroy an Outpost, severly damage a camp or destroy large section of enemy walls.

However, Isengard has only two heroes. Despite being strong and good for tactical use, Saruman and Lurtz are obviously heavily outnumbered by enemy heroes.

As a part of forces of evil, Isengard has 400 command points to use.


  • Uruk-hai Warriors - well balanced infrantry unit. They are fast moving, can from into slower but more durable formation and can feed on other warriors to gain experience. 10 Uruks per unit.
  • Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen - extremely offensive ranged unit - even in it's own kind. They are fragile but numerous and fast shooting. They can form a formation that will make them even more vulnerable to damage, but lets them deal enormous wounds to their enemies. 10 Uruks per Unit.
  • Uruk-Hai Pikemen - excellent counter to cavlary. They are vulnerable to attacks from other infrantry units and ranged assaults - heavy price for their great effectivness when facing cavlary and some beasts. Can form slower but more durable and more dangerous to cavlary formation. Can be trained when Uruk Pit reaches level two. 10 Uruks pro unit.
  • Uruk-Hai Berserker - In other words, deathbringer. He cannot be upgraded in any way and can be used to suicidally set off a mine. He is fast, attacks equally quickly, can hit multiple opponents at once and depending on the patch, might be able to heal himself in the same manner as Heroes do. Couple of them can overcome most unleveled heroes. Can be trained when Uruk Pit reaches level two. 1 Uruk per unit.
  • Warg Riders - extremely offensive cavlary unit. They are fragile but deal good to excellent (when boosted by their ability) damage. They can organise themselves into more durable but less dangerous formation. 5 Riders per unit.
  • Siege Ladder - Isengard's way to get on top of walls. It has low health and does not move very fast, but it is extremely cheap and allows to attack from unexpected directions - can be excellently combined with berserkers and be used in early surprise attack on forces of good. 1 piece per unit.
  • Battering Ram - Big heavy log with no big philosophy behind it. Can be used to quickly destroy structures, castle gate or to bit by bit destroy a wall section. 1 piece per unit.
  • Ballista - excellent and unique ranged siege machine. It deals little to none area damage, but it's projectiles fly faster than those of other machines, making it more difficult to avoid them. Great not only for destroying static targets but also single but powerful units. 1 piece per unit.
  • Mine - nightmare of the defenders. It deals devastating damage in a middle-sized area round it. Single one of those can destroy multiple sections of a wall and harm buildings on the other side. One explosion can set off another, making chain reaction possible. 1 piece per unit.
  • Orc Laborer - Cheap work force. He can cut down trees, boosting Isengard's economy and making Elven Warriors and Rangers less effective. Deals good damage to Ents. Can repair structures. 1 laborer per unit.

Game performance[]

The faction of Isengard is made up of servants to Saruman. Isengard's basic orcs take up a lot of command points, but are free in The Battle for Middle-earth. Haradrim are cheap, taking few command points. Trolls are expensive, but take very few command points, making large groups feasible. Isengard has three siege weapons: catapults for bombarding, rams for demolishing in close proximity, and siege towers for invading from a castle's walls. Múmakil are enormous and destructive to all infantry.


Isengard Orc swordsmen[]

Isengard swordsmen are the backbone of the Isengard army. They are skillful fighters and are a useful unit in a skirmish, for their low cost.

Isengard Orc archers[]

Isengard's basic ranged unit

Easterling Pikemen[]

Isengard's only pikemen; effective against heroes, beasts, and cavalry.

Haradrim archers[]

Isengard's elite ranged unit

Corsairs of Umbar[]

A swordsman unit who can switch from swords to ranged fire-bombs.

Isengard battering ram[]

Basic slow siege-unit.

Isengard catapult[]

Ranged siege weapon that comes with flaming projectiles.

Siege tower[]

A protective ladder allowing infantry to scale rampart-walls; less dexterous than Mordor's ladder.

Attack troll[]

Unlike the Cave troll, Attack trolls are not only powerful, but have armor, and wield a huge club.

Mumakil (the Oliphaunt)[]

Mumakil are Isengard's most powerful unit. They trample all enemy infantry, and come with archers in their war tower.


See Category:Isengard structures.

For all of the faction's powers, see Category:Isengard Powers.

White Hand Banner testForces of IsengardWhite Hand Banner test