Heroic Statues are certain building structures that are available to both Rohan and Gondor in BFME 1, and then to the Men of the West, Elves, and the Dwarves in BFME 2 & on.
They increase armor and damage of all allied units within their a.o.e..
BFME 1 Requirements & Stats[]
Cost: 150 Shortcut: T
Health-points: 1500
Leadership bonus to nearby troops
Prices of heroes is reduced
+100% Damage, +100% combat experience, and a leadership bonus to nearby allies
Hero bonus - reduces cost of heroes
2 statues: 10%
3 statues: 20%
4 statues: 30%
BFME 2 Requirements & Stats[]
Cost: 300
Health-points: 1500
Increases the faction's Command Point limit by 10.