The Wiki for Middle-Earth

Heal is an important first-tier power common to all good factions, in all Battle for Middle-earth games. It heals a selected group of units, and restores one dead member per battalion. It is worth 5+ power

Rohan Banner test Forces of Rohan (BFME 1 Only) Rohan Banner test

Rohan Banner test Forces of Rohan (BFME 1 Only) Rohan Banner test

AragornMen of the West (BFME 2 only) Gondor Soldier icon BFME2

Elven Banner test Elves (BFME 2 and RotWK only) Elven Banner test

Dwarv axe thrower Dwarves (BFME 2 and RotWK only) Dwarv axe thrower