The Wiki for Middle-Earth
Faramir icon

Son of Denethor II, brother to Boromir and beloved commander. After his older brother's death, he becomes next in line to become steward of Gondor. Until that day comes, he stays with his troops and fights on the front lines against the darkness.

He appears in BFME 1 as a hero of Gondor and in BFME 2 as hero of Men of the West.

Battle for Middle Earth 1[]

Faramir is always rady to join his troops in battle. Whether it be front lines with a sword in his hand, providing backup shoulder to shoulder with his archers, riding out into the open to fight the enemy from horseback...or joining the Rangers to disturb enemy behind the front lines; Faramir shares the fate of his men and keeps the fire in their hearts burning. His soldiers love him for that and become immune to fear in his presence. Whenever the situation allows it, he shares what he has learned with his subordinates, further strengthening the bond between them.

Skill Unlocked at level Description
Toogle Weapon 1 Switches between using a bow and a sword.
Wounding Arrow 1/2 (patch dependent) Single powerful shot able to hit enemies who normally would run out of Faramir's range.
Leadership 6 Nearby units gain 50% armor and become immune to fear.
Captain of Gondor 7 Designated units gain experience.
Mount/Dismount 1/3 (patch dependent) Toogles between fighting on horseback and on foot. When mounted, Faramir is more resistant to normal melee attacks but is more vulnerable to arrows and pikes.

Faramir costs 1200 ressources, but his price can be reduced with Heroic Statues by up to 30%.

Requirements & Stats[]

Cost: 1200 Command Points taken: 50

Health-points: 2000


  • Toggle weapon - Faramir switches between his sword and his bow
  • Wounding Arrow (at Level 2) - Faramir with his bow strikes a selected enemy who is dealt 300 damage and is caused to flee
  • Mount/Dismount (at level 3) - Faramir may use or dismount from his horse
  • Leadership (at level 6) - Allied units who are near Faramir gain +50% Damage and Armor, and level up twice as quickly - Passive ability
  • Captain of Gondor (at level 7) - Faramir gives selected allied units experience


Faramir deals a fair amount of damage, and his first ability can eliminate powerful foes. His passive benefit for surrounding allies is decent, and his Captain of Gondor ability increases the effectiveness of his army. Faramir as a Ranger has a long range of fire


Faramir's health and armor are both lacking, and he can quickly die unaided. While it is nice to mount and ride quickly, this can create a problem when he travels deep into enemy territory, as his armor is further reduced when against archers, his weakness on foot. In addition, Faramir does not have outstanding abilities, the most powerful being his first. His strength lies in his archery, but elsewhere the second son of Denethor falls short.

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