Eomer is the brother to Éowyn and the nephew of Theoden, the king of Rohan. After the death of Theoden's son, he has become heir to the throne. He is a hero of Rohan in BFME 1 and of the Men of the West in BFME 2.
Battle for Middle Earth 1[]
Level requirements for unlocking skills are based on the 1.09 patch.
Eomer is the primary Rohan hero during the Good Campaign, leading the players's army in most missions of the first half of the game.
He is an affordable, durable and skilled melee warrior, theoretically able to outlive in combat both his king and his sister. Unfortunately he lacks defensive abilities, which makes him in truth the most vulnerable to prolonged fighting. For this reason Eomer is extremely offensive oriented and best used in hit & run attacks.
His main strength are his two passive abilities: morale boost to nearby cavlary and scavenging ressources from killed enemies. If need be however, he can throw a spear that deals great amount of damage.

Eomer in the New Line Films
Skill | Unlocked
at Level |
Description |
Spear Throw | ? | Powerful ranged attack |
Morale | 1 | Nearby friendly cavlary gains +75% damage |
Outlaw Leadership | 4 | Gains ressources from killing enemies |
Mount/Dismount | 1 | Switches between fighting on foot and on horseback. When mounted he is more resistant to the average infrantry, but gets increased damage from pikemen and arrows. |
BFME 2[]
Recruited from: Men of the West Fortress
Cost: 1000
Command Points taken: 25
- Mount/Dismount - Eomer can cummon/dismiss his steed.
- Horse Lord - All allied cavalry near Eomer gain +50% damage and armor, and will level-up twice as quickly.
- Outlaw Leadership (at Level 2) - He and nearby allies will gain resources for the faction upon every kill.
- Spear Throw (at Level 5) - Eomer deals significant damage to a single enemy with his spear.
Behind the scenes[]
Eomer was voiced in the games not by Karl Urban, but by Chris Edgerly.