Ent icon in BFME 2
The Ents are ancient tree-similar beings that serve the forces of good. They are shepards of the forest. Ents keep to themselves unless harm is done to the lands under their protection. Once enraged, they become a personification of force the mother nature holds.
In BFME 1 they can be produced by the forces of Rohan. In the sequel they belong to the Elven faction.
Fangorn Forest, which lies between Isengard and Lothl¿rien, once covered thousands of miles of Middle-earth, even stretching as far as The Shire. Since then the forest has been chopped down, burned and cleared to the point where it covers only a small area at the southern point of the Misty Mountains. This dark and gnarled forest is home to the few remaining Ents, or large man-like trees. The Ents are tree-tenders, eternal caretakers of the dark forest. In recent years many of the Ents have gone to sleep, becoming barely conscious and dormant trees themselves. When Saruman began cutting away at the last remnants of Fangorn Forest to build his army, the Ents marched again - awakened by their rage. They stirred all of the trees of the forest, known as Huorns, into life, and set out to exact their revenge upon the White Wizard. The Huorns marched to Helm's Deep, ultimately sealing the fate of the Uruk-hai army retreating from their defeat in battle against Aragorn, Theoden, and Gandalf. The Ents themselves led by Treebeard, took siege of Orthanc and laid waste to the White Wizard's domain in Isengard.

An Ent (this particular Ent is exclusive to Worldbuilder)
Battle for Middle Earth 1[]
Ents are the only way for the Rohan to break enemy walls and enter their castle. They can throw boulders (or pieces of a wall) at the enemy and their structures or effectively fight in melee. Ents are peaceful in nature but can enrage, which will increase their attack and movement speed.
They will be enraged by:
- another ent (including Treebeard) dying
- time limited ents disappearing
- on sight of Lumber Mill
- if put on fire
- if attacked without pause for long enough
Ents are extremely vulnerable to fire. Whether it be Fire Arrows, Mordor Catapult projectile, Saruman's fireball or Balrog's attack, Ents are quickly catching fire (unless standing in water, which can also put them out) and will burn until their HP is fully drained. Use other units to protect them from these dangers.
Ents can be recruited from Ent Moot. It has to be build outside of an expansion point (Castle, Camp or Outpost). For more, check out the Ent Moot page.
BFME 2[]
Recruited from: Ent Moot
Cost: 1000
Command points: 50
The Ent Moot can also recruit Treebeard as a level 10 hero.
Information and Use[]
Ents in BFME 2 are the Elves' only type of artillery, and are long-range artillery, similar to Goblins' Mountain Giants. Ents have both the ability to throw rocks and also to use close-range attacks (with their hands), similar to the Trolls of the Evil Factions. Ents are very good at destroying buildings.
Like all artillery, rocks thrown by ents also do damage to ally troops and heroes.
Ents are especially susceptible to fire, from fire arrows or catapults, etc.