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A male Elven Archer hero

A Custom Elf is one type of hero that can designed via Create a hero, a feature available in The Battle for the Middle-earth II and its expansion, The Rise of the Witch-king.


Elves are designed to ranged combat, since they have the best sight and are the only custom heroes who use ranged weapons (though they can switch with a blade with the Toggle bow/sword ability, and though Corrupted Men can acquire a bow via an ability). They can even enstrengthen their sight and their standard ranged damages. Beside this, they have a bunch of varied abilities, from healing allies to conjure a tornado.

Versions differences[]

  • In The Battle for Middle-earth II, all custom heroes cost 2000 resources.
  • In The Rise of the Witch-king only, the cost of summoning a custom Elf hero is determined by his given abilities. Initial costs, before abilities are assigned, are listed below. If ability is purchased on a higher level that the one which it becomes available, its cost is decreased by 10% by every additional level. (So, an ability which cost 300 resources at level 1 cost only 30 resource at level 10 : 9 levels difference, 90% reduction.)


Elves come in two sub-classes: Male and Female.

Base min Base max Male max extent Female max extent
Armor 3 16 - -
Power 3 12 +1 (13) -
Health 5 20 - -
Regeneration 3 14 - -
Sight 6 19 - +1 (20)


Archer specialization[]

Permanent ability which increase the damages dealt by normal ranged attacks. So, doesn't work with Rain of arrows, Cripple shot or Toggle weapon. The later upgrades make Elf heroes effective against buildings. This ability is exclusive to Elves.

Normal Enhanced Great Superior
Available at level 1 3 7 10
Damages bonus
Initial cost 300 300 400 500

Cripple shot[]

Shoots a powerful arrow at one enemy hero, and paralizes them. This ability is exclusive to Elves, though other custom heroes have a close-range version.

Normal Enhanced Great Superior
Available at level 1 3 7 10
Paralysis duration
Initial cost 300 300 400 500

Summon familiars[]

Summon ravens above Elf, which acts as an immobile sight spot with great range and stealth detection. This ability is exclusive to Elves.

Normal Enhanced Great
Available at level 1 3 7
Initial cost 100 100 300

Train allies[]

Gives free experience to targeted troops; is ineffective towards other heroes.

Normal Enhanced Great
Available at level 1 3 7
Area of effect Single squad Small zone Large zone
Experience granted
Initial cost 100 100 300


Heals the custom Elf hero, as well as any nearby allied units.

Normal Enhanced
Available at level 1 3
Area of effect User only User and close units and heroes
Heal amount
Initial cost 100 400


Passive ability that makes the Elf hero stealth while moving. A higher level of this ability allows the hero to be invisible, automatically, while not moving.

Normal Enhanced
Available at level 1 3
Activation Passive Active
Degree Steath Invisible
Movement Moving Immobile
Initial cost 100 100


Inflicth "fear" on nearby ennemies, causing them to flee. Cooldown :  s..

Available at level 1
Initial cost 100

Toggle weapon[]

Switches between the bow and the sword, at will.

Available at level 1
Initial cost 100

True sight[]

Permanent ability which allows the Elf to detect stealth units who are close.

Available at level 1
Initial cost 100


Permanent ability which grants +50% armor and +50% damage output, and doubles the experience gained by nearby units. This ability is shared by most custom heroes.

Available at level 1
Initial cost 200


Summons a tornado for a brief time in a targeted area near the Elf. The tornado can be controlled, inflicts great damages and disrupts infantry.

Normal Enhanced Great
Available at level 3 7 10
Initial cost 300 700 1000

Rain of arrows[]

Elf temporarily shoots multiple arrows on a targeted area, hurting several ennemies/squads with each shot.

Normal Enhanced Great
Available at level 3 7 10
Area of effect
Initial cost 200 400 400