The Wiki for Middle-Earth
Boromir icon

Son of Denethor II, successor to his father's throne. Skillfull commander and warrior; similarly to his younger brother Faramir, he shares the fate

hero of the Men of the West faction, and a brother to Faramir, who bears a great shield and a large sword. He is a solid hero with high amount of armor and health, and, although wielding low damage, he is able to take on many battalions.


Requirements in BFME 2[]

Recruited from: Men of the West Fortress

Cost: 1250

Command Points taken: 50

Health-points: 2800


  • Horn of Gondor (at level 2) - Scares nearby enemies by blowing on his famed Horn of Gondor
  • Leadership (at level 5) - Allied troops near Boromir always have 50% more Damage output and Armor, and will level up twice as quickly.
  • Captain of Gondor (at level 6) - Boromir gives selected nearby troops experience.

Behind the scenes[]

Boromir in the games was voiced not by Sean Bean, but by Steve Blum.

Rohan Banner test Forces of Rohan (BFME 1 Only) Rohan Banner test

AragornMen of the West (BFME 2 only) Gondor Soldier icon BFME2