The Wiki for Middle-Earth

An especially savage and strong Uruk-Hai. Elite Isengard infrantry enabling to deal great damage without having to buy upgrades.

Battle for Middle Earth[]

Berserkers are solo warriors. Few of them are more than enough to turn the tide of battle in the early to mid-game. Wearing as good as no armor, having no upgrades available, their importance fades with passing time in battle. However, before all other units gain access to their upgrades, Berserkers are on the top of the infrantry foodchain. Additionally, they are able to suicidally detonate mines.

In later stages of the game they are still useful due to their speed and good cost/effectivness ratio. Their role shifts from main force to support role; in groups they are excellent for hunting smaller forces of the enemy and destryoing their encampments.

Recruited from Uruk Pit up from level 2
Cost 200
Cost reduction building none
Uruks per Horde 1
Command points 5


Originating from Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Berserkers are the most brutal and violent of all Saruman's servants. They lack all formal tendencies of the other Uruks, having become mindless savages.

Their one ability is "Light Torch", which allows them to detonate Isengard's mine.


Built from: Uruk Pit

Cost: 200

Command points taken: 25 

White Hand Banner testForces of IsengardWhite Hand Banner test