The Wiki for Middle-Earth
The Wiki for Middle-Earth

Aragorn is one of the most powerful heroes and is the heir to the throne of Gondor.

Battle for Middle Earth 1[]


Aragorn is a powerful hero and he can withstand many attacks, but his greatest advantage comes from dealing enormous damage and a diverse skill set. Aragorn is very fast moving and can easily outrun slower moving infrantry units (almost all of his own troops) and heroes - for this reason an unskilled commander might have difficulties in keeping him alive and using effectively.

Skill Set[]

Skill Unlocked

at level

Athelas 1 Aragorn heals himself and nearby friendly heroes
Blademaster 2 Aragorn temporarily reduces damage he receives from enemies
Leadership 4 Passive Ability. Allied units nearby gain a boost to Damage, Armor and Experience
Elendil 5 Causes nearby susceptible enemies to flee from Aragorn for a short time
Oathbreakers 10 Aragorn summons one batallion of the dead for a short duration.


With great power comes a great price. Relative to the economy of his faction, Aragorn is one of the most expensive heroes in the game - luckily his price tag can be made significantly less painful with the help of Heroic Statues.

Depending on the patch, Aragorn might additionally cost 5 command points.

This table is based on the prices from patch 1.09

Price Statues
3500 0
3500 1
X 2
X 3
X 4

Aragorn is powerful and can level up other Heroes quickly. Once he activates Blademaster, he can temporarily take less damage from enemies. His Elendil ability can demoralize the army in the heat of battle, and Athelas can make other heroes go on for ages. When he is at maximum level and gains the Oathbreaker ability he can summon a small Army of the Dead and can annihilate enemies with ease.

Battle for Middle Earth 2[]

As powerful as he is, Aragorn is fairly expensive compared to the other heroes. Oathbreaker takes a while to obtain. Aragorn deals more damage than other heroes, making him a powerful hero in respects to damage dealt and ability to take damage.

External link[]

Rohan Banner test Forces of Rohan (BFME 1 Only) Rohan Banner test

AragornMen of the West (BFME 2 only) Gondor Soldier icon BFME2